Dedicated family law attorney Lauren E. Riley is committed to helping clients achieve their objectives while preserving relationships. When working with clients on child custody arrangements, she strives to find creative ways to keep relationships functioning so that everyone can work together to support the best interests of the children involved.
Compassion for clients is her hallmark. She vigorously defends the rights of her clients and promotes their interests while working to minimize conflict and other stress factors that can be destructive when families are undergoing critical transitions.
In addition to her work with clients on issues involving divorce, child custody, child support, kinship-guardianship, and divorce modification, Lauren serves as the American Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division District Representative for New Mexico and Arizona. In this position, she coordinates Disaster Legal Service programs in partnership with FEMA and acts as a liaison to ensure equal access to information.
Lauren also holds the Director-at-Large, Position 2, on the New Mexico State Bar Young Lawyers Division Board. Lauren chairs the UNM School of Law Mentorship and Programming committee, the Membership Outreach committee, and the Podcast committee. Additionally, she advocates for children by serving on the board of the Wesley Kids Early Education Center.
Realizing that she works with clients at a time when they are facing some of the greatest challenges of their lives, she prides herself on remaining sensitive to their needs in all situations, including the need to keep costs to a minimum.