Maria Montoya Chavez is President and CEO of Sutin, Thayer & Browne. She has been a lawyer since 2000 and practices exclusively in family law: divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and the division of complex assets such as professional practices and other businesses in the divorce context. She is a Collaborative Law-trained attorney and enjoys serving as a mediator and settlement facilitator.
Ms. Montoya Chavez understands that going through a divorce is one of the most difficult times of a person’s life on many levels. She approaches each case by providing the client with an understanding of the legal issues, provides knowledge about available options and attempts to first resolve the matter amicably. If it appears being reasonable is not working in a particular situation, Ms. Montoya Chavez has the experience to be an effective Court Advocate.
Ms. Montoya Chavez has had several collaborative divorce cases in which the parties remained in control of the divorce outcome and out of court. She is a Board Member of the New Mexico Collaborative Practice Group and has been a member of the Albuquerque Collaborative Practice Group, where she served on several committees. She has been a presenter at various family law and collaborative law seminars, so as to train attorneys in domestic relations matters.
She is dedicated to helping clients be the best they can be both during and after the divorce. Ms. Montoya Chavez’s commitment to family law is further shown by her involvement with the “Divorce Options Workshop” in which she educates the public on divorce and custody, and her volunteer work with the Second Judicial District’s “Family Law Clinic” where unrepresented people inquire into domestic relations matters.
Ms. Montoya Chavez also has expertise with conducting mediations and settlement facilitations. When serving in such capacities, she strives to build bridges to resolution and to provide options to parties so they can remain in control of their process.