Mariah C. Poole

About Me

Prior to attending law school, Mariah devoted her professional career to health and human services. She was a Child Support Enforcement Technician for three years in Steamboat Springs, Routt County, Colorado. During this time, she developed and created “The Fatherhood Program of Routt County.” This program served fathers and non-custodial parents with access to and visitation with their children and parent education. In 2011,she was awarded the “Fatherhood Advocate of the Year” for the State of Colorado for her dedication to this program and the people it served. She also ran the “Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program” of Routt County for three years, assisting families who have experienced domestic violence, abuse and neglect, and sexual violence.

During her second year of law school, Mariah was awarded the opportunity to work for the Staff Attorney’s Office for the Supreme Court of Arizona in Phoenix. Here, she assisted staff attorneys with legal writing and research for recommendations submitted to the Justices. In her third year of law school, she worked for the Community Violence Intervention Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota where she assisted domestic violence victims in obtaining restraining orders or filing domestic civil actions for divorce or legal separation.

Mariah is a Certified Divorce Mediator and has been trained in Collaborative Divorce, in Arizona, North Dakota and New Mexico.

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